THRIFTやUSEDには変わりないですが,ドネートされた服が多く,格安で売っています.明らかにヴィンテージやUSED STOREより安いです.利益は特に重視してないようです.服だけでなく,靴,家具,子供用品,本,キッチン周り,パンツや雑巾,ナプキンまで置いてます.
それではWood Stock, VTに出発![:en]【#21STATE】Little quick! Manchester,NH
It is hard to make a plan for traveling! If you have money, NO PROBLEM! But I don’t have one and I don’t drive ether. Going to Portland,MA to NH is the one of complicated way to take. I have to detour for that.
First, I go back to Boston, and go up to Northwest again. I looked for a lot of transportations, but I was not able to find anything else better. I want to save time and cost!
So I asked my friend to give me a ride to Manchester,NH. 90 mins ride. Of course, I paid for the gas and extra. “Manchester” sounds cool and big… but it is not. I think it was because of weather, but it was smoky and dark.
However I walked to some vintage stores with my heavy backpack. In last minutes, I was able to find a host ther
He picked me up at 9pm. He picked me up by BMW! I see a lot of luxury cars here like BMW, Audi, and Jaguar…
I really appreciate him. Shower, private room, breakfast, and lunch!
I visited a used clothing store “Saver” which I see sometimes in the U.S. It is same as thrift or used clothing store but it is way cheaper. It deals with donated clothing. That is why. It’s apparently cheap. They don’t emphasis on profit. It is not only clothing but they sell shoes, furniture, kids stuff, books, kitchen stuff, underwear, duster.
Cheap! For example, I found a “Patagonia outfit” by $7. It still has good quality.
It is now 6pm. there are somw more vintage stores I wanted to go but it closes soon. So I cannot make it on my foot. I went to Macdonald to wait for my host. I like there because it is 24h open and it has $1 drink bar. I drank diet coke as always.
Tomorrow, I have to get a bus station by 8am. so he gave me a ride again to the bus station☺
Then, See you in Wood Stock, VT.